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"Diversity management at the workplace must be one of the main human resources priorities for any employer on Europe. This is because when employees are valued for who they are, they are committed to their job and fully employ their talents and creativity. I invite all companies and organisations in Europe, whether a signatory of a Diversity Charter or otherwise, to join the European Commission in celebrating the EU Diversity Month in May 2022 by organizing their own events to put the spotlight on the benefits of inclusive work environments."

Helena Dalli

EU Commissioner for Equality



This year we celebrate the second edition of the EU Diversity Month, an initiative from the European Commission and the EU Platform of Diversity Charters. The objective of this initiative is to celebrate and promote diversity in the workplace.

This project was launched in 26 countries and Fundación para la Diversidad is in charge of coordinating this movement in Spain.


To celebrate and promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace and in society


To raise awareness about the benefits of diversity and inclusion

To encourage the signatory companies and organizations to bring to light their actions and commitments

Who can participate?

Any company, organization or institution that wants to be part of a European Movement for Diversity.

How can you participate?

  • Organize webinars to raise awareness of diversity among your employees.
  • Launch a special product or service as part of the EU Diversity Month.
  • Share promotional messages on social media using the hashtags: #EUDiversityMonth #MesEuropeoDeLaDiversidad #UnionOfEquality #ContruyendoPuentes
  • Download our presentation to get all the information.

Why should you participate?

Because it is an opportunity to draw attention to the benefits of diversity and inclusion in the workplace.




Good practices guide

This guide offers a wide range of ideas to celebrate the EU Diversity Month with your employees, clients and vendors. If you need the guide in another language, click here!

Visual materials

Here you can find editable and downloadable images: logo of the month, banners for your website and images for your social media. If you need the images in other languages or you require more information, click here!

Social media guide

We provide you with a Social Media toolkit from which you can get inspiration. Don’t forget to use the hashtags:

#EUDiversityMonth  #MesEuropeoDeLaDiversidad y #ConstruyendoPuentes

If you want to check the guide in other languages or you require more information, click here!

Activities in 2022


Event on 18th May

Event on 1st June

Informative webinar

Andalucía, Antequera and Barcelona, European Capitols for Diversity and Inclusion

The EU Equality Commissioner highlights the work of Fundación para la Diversidad

Activities in 2021

EU Diversity Month Launch Event

Presentation of the report on religious freedom in the workplace

Presentation of CaixaBank’s Egalitarian Communication Guide

Celebration of the EU Diversity Month

Institutional Event with Fundación Diversidad and EC Representation Office in Spain (including Diversity Charter Signing Ceremony).