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Listado de acciones por parte de la Comisión Europea para promover la igualdad del colectivo LGBTI.

Listado de acciones por parte de la Comisión Europea para promover la igualdad del colectivo LGBTI. Acciones Comision Europea Igualdad LGBTI
Imagine if you were attacked in the street just for holding hands with your partner. Imagine if your children were bullied or isolated at school just for who they are. Sadly, such experiences remain part of everyday life for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) citizens in Europe.
Discrimination should have no place in our Union. However, the 2015 Eurobarometer on discrimination shows that almost 60 % of EU citizens see discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity as widespread. The figures on the lack of social acceptance of this group are alarming. At the same time, 71 % of respondents support equal rights for LGBT people. These figures should be a wake-up call for governments.
If we want to tackle discrimination against LGBTI people we need concrete actions. I am very pleased to present this ‘List of Actions to advance LGBTI Equality’. The list describes comprehensively the activities the European Commission will undertake in the coming years…….Read more

Acciones Comision Europea Igualdad LGBTI
Acciones Comision Europea Igualdad LGBTI




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