The Diversity Charter is a CHARTER OF COMMITMENT OF 10 PRINCIPLES that, on a VOLUNTARY basis, companies and institutions of the same country sign, regardless of their size or sector. By signing the charter, companies and institutions commit to promoting the fundamental principles of equality, diversity and inclusion.
EU Commissioner for Equality
This year we celebrate the second edition of the EU Diversity Month, an initiative from the European Commission and the EU Platform of Diversity Charters. The objective of this initiative is to celebrate and promote diversity in the workplace.
This project was launched in 26 countries and Fundación para la Diversidad is in charge of coordinating this movement in Spain.
Diversity management is a key aspect in business administration. It refers to the management and inclusion of diverse workforces where people, regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnicity, disability, or religion, are always welcomed.
At Fundación Diversidad we can help you manage diversity and inclusion in your organisation. What are the first steps towards diversity?
And if you want to make a difference, become a member of Fundación Diversidad!
Diversity management is an ethical issue as it aims to ensure equal opportunities in access to employment for everyone, thus creating a respectful working environment. Diversity management is also an important tool in creating a corporate culture that promotes not only inclusion but also innovation. Numerous studies show that having a diverse and heterogeneous workforce is a competitive advantage: a diverse team is also an innovative team. For all these reasons, a commitment to diversity and inclusion is a commitment to social change, business progress and innovation.
Keeping this calendar in mind is really useful for organising commemorative, training and promotional activities, among others. It is also an excellent guide for Community Managers to have a wider vision when planning their publications calendar.
In addition to its practical day-to-day use, the calendar is beautifully designed, making it perfect for printing out and hanging in the respective offices so that it can be made available to all staff.
En Fundación Diversidad podemos ayudarte a una mejor gestión de la Diversidad en tu empresa. No dudes en ponerte en contacto con nuestro equipo y síguenos en redes sociales para estar informado de nuestras actividades.
+34 91 275 05 55